Compared to the original V1, PF7, PF8, Waydoo 3-Blade V2, or jet propulsion systems, the Streamline I consistently demonstrated higher efficiencies, ranging from 15% to 26%! Furthermore, it outperformed the Waydoo Folding Prop in both efficiency and top speed. It's worth noting that all tests, except those involving the FP props, were conducted without the shroud.
*Note: results may vary based on factors such as rider weight, weather conditions, and gear setup.
Can a Waydoo equipped with the Streamline I outlast other efoil brands? Absolutely! We've logged over 2 hours of ride time per charge with a Waydoo, paired with the EfoilSolutions Waydoo/Sabfoil adapter and a Sabfoil Leviathan 950, under calm conditions with a 170lb rider.